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Helium Porosimeter at Confining Pressure

Normally, the porosity of the cores is measured without applying confining pressure on the samples. Although the confining pressure is not able to significantly affect the porosity value, it may lead to a huge deviation on the estimated value of the original oil in place. This device measures the porosity of the core samples while under confining pressure. This equipment can be used for grain density measurement at net confining stress. Moreover, Porosity is usually expressed as a percentage of the core plugs’ total volume.

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Educational Helium Porosimeter
Standard Billets for Calibration Set
Porosity Range 1-30%
Maximum Core Length 3 inch
Maximum Confining Pressure 300 bar
Maximum Injection Pressure 10 bar


Research Helium Porosimeter
Standard Billets for Calibration Set
Porosity Range 5-40%
Maximum Core Length 3 inch
Maximum Confining Pressure 400 bar
Maximum Injection Pressure 150 bar