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- Reservoir Stimulation
- IFT Measurement
- Fluid Sampling
- Pump
- Drilling Laboratory
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- Aniline Point Measuring Device
- Cloud Point Measuring Device
- Copper Corrosion Measuring Device
- Distillation Apparatus for Petroleum Fluids
- Ductility of Bituminous Materials Measuring
- Flash Point Measuring Device
- Ostwald’s Viscometer
- Penetration of Bituminous & Lubricating Grease Materials Measuring Device
- Pour Point Measuring Device
- Reid Vapor Pressure Measuring Device
- Saybolt Viscometer
- Smoke Point Measuring Device
- Softening Point of Asphalts & Tar Pitches Measuring Device
- Fluid Laboratory
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Category: Relative Permeability
Relative Permeability
Showing the single result
Liquid-Liquid Unsteady State Relative Permeameter
Read moreUPR is designed in a way that it is able to perform different injection protocols to measure the relative permeability by different analysis methods including Johnson-Bossler-Naumann (JBN), modified JBN, Toth, et al and the Jones-Roszelle methods. The unsteady-state method is particularly suited for measuring endpoint values of the non-wetting phase. The URP-ES20-ES30 system provides a versatile facility to carry out unsteady-state relative permeability studies for liquid/liquid at reservoir temperature and pressure.
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