- Core Preparation
- Routine Core Analysis
- Special Core Analysis
- Reservoir Stimulation
- IFT Measurement
- Fluid Sampling
- Pump
- Drilling Laboratory
- Petroleum Laboratory
- Aniline Point Measuring Device
- Cloud Point Measuring Device
- Copper Corrosion Measuring Device
- Distillation Apparatus for Petroleum Fluids
- Ductility of Bituminous Materials Measuring
- Flash Point Measuring Device
- Ostwald’s Viscometer
- Penetration of Bituminous & Lubricating Grease Materials Measuring Device
- Pour Point Measuring Device
- Reid Vapor Pressure Measuring Device
- Saybolt Viscometer
- Smoke Point Measuring Device
- Softening Point of Asphalts & Tar Pitches Measuring Device
- Fluid Laboratory
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Category: Microbial EOR
Microbial EOR
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Microbial Core Flooding
Read moreThe core flooding system is designed in a very flexible and contemporary way. Therefore, it can be employed in most of the upstream studies with appropriate modifications with special respect to MEOR core flooding experiments. Different types of experiments can be conducted using this device such as conventional fluid injection, soaking experiment for determining the wettability alteration capability of microbes and bacteria, adsorption test, tertiary oil recovery, and other experiments related to the injection of microorganisms into the core plugs.
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